What is the Influence of Religious Differences Between the Parents on the Child Religion Development?
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019
Hi friends, this time I will discuss the influence of the differences in the religion of the two parents on the development of children's religion. Surely you have or have often met other children, friends, friends, even your own siblings whose parents have a different religion.
What about the religion of the child? Do you follow the father? Or join the mother? Then what is the effect of religious differences between the two parents towards the child itself ?. Let's find out in this article!

Religion Definition
Before discussing this, do you know about the meaning of religion? Religion is a way for someone to regulate the belief system or belief and the way to worship God that someone believes is related to relationships between humans and also with the environment.
Well, after knowing the meaning of our own religion we also need to know the definition or understanding of development. Development is the stage of a person progressively changing systematically which is quantitative in a person.
So, the development of religion in a person is a change that is quantitative in a progressive and systematic way that includes the needs and desires of the person himself.
Child Deligious Development
After knowing the definition of the development of one's own religion, we will now discuss the influence of the differences in the religion of the two parents on the development of children's religion.
The development of religion in children themselves is usually influenced by education, experience, and training or education obtained by the child himself from his parents.
The experience of children at home is also certainly very decisive and is the basis of a child's religious development, therefore the role of the family is crucial in the development of a child's religion.
Because the role of the family is very important in the development of religion in children automatically the role of both parents is also very important for the development of religion in children so that children must be close or familiar with their parents so that the development of religion in children becomes more optimal.
Ways to improve the development of religion in children through parents can also be done through the media through exercises or by playing while learning, but what if their parents are of a different religion?
What if the parents are of different religions?
The role of parents is very important for the development of children, but what about their parents' religious beliefs? This factor certainly will greatly affect the development of religion in the child, because children will be very difficult to accept two different religions, different beliefs, and the teachings of one religion that is different from the teachings of other religions.
So from that parents must be able to determine religious teachings which are suitable to be taught to children or the results of deliberations from both for religious teachings taught to the child so that the child can optimize the development of his religion.
If both parents agree to teach one religion, such as religion A, parents must all teach the religion not only half the parents must teach the religion even though both parents have different religions.
So from that, the conclusion is that the differences in religion between the two parents greatly influence the development of children's religion because parents and family are the basis of the child's religious development.
Besides that the education and experience of both parents are also very important. So from that, if his parents differ from religion, it will greatly influence the development of the child's religion.
The Solution to the Problem
Solve this problem by:
1. Both parents equate religion
Such as the parents of a child of different religions, the father is a Christian and the mother is Muslim, for the sake of goodness and to optimize the development of the child the father or mother must change faith.
2. Discuss the child's religious teachings
Both parents must discuss religious teachings that are appropriate and good to optimize the religious development of the child so that children are not confused and will become religious people.
That was an article about the influence of the differences in the religion of the two parents on the development of children's religion. That's the article from me, thank you.
Author: Fairuz Nafis Robbani