What Happened to the Religion Development of Children If The Parents were Mu'alaf?
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019
friends of faith and religion, this article we will discuss the development of
religion in a child if his parents are converts. Previously we will discuss
religion first.

Religion definition
Religion is an
important guideline for every believer, religion is an important factor for
human survival and life. Because religion is able to provide meaning and
purpose in life in human life itself.
Good religion
is a religion that is planted and taught as early as possible on someone.
Regarding the lessons and religious development of children, parents or
families should be the first religious education for their children.
As the
first educator, parents should be a function and have a very important role and
must have a strategic way of forming values related to belief in their
While the school is only a facilitator and supporter of religion in a
broader perspective in a child's environment. Religious education given to a
child at a young age will influence and determine the child's religious life
when they grow up later. Then how about planting religious education and
religious development for a child if his parents convert?
Mu'alaf Definition
Mu'alaf is the
transfer of someone from a non-Islamic religion to Islam. The meaning of
Mu'alaf here is the parents of men and women who have just embraced Islam
who are married and have a child and have full enthusiasm in learning all
things about Islam.
Regarding the
religious development of a child while his parents convert. The religious
knowledge of parents greatly influences the primary and first religious
learning of their children. If the parents are converts, then where is the
initial religious learning of a child?
Religion development
There are
several factors that influence a child's religious development. The first is
the role of parents as the first religious educator, from the role of the
parent should the child have the education and life experience about what and
how it is a religion.
The second factor is the environment, if the family
environment and society are very positive towards religion, they mean believing
what is a religion (not atheist) then it will also affect the development of a
child's religion. The next one is the planting of religious education both in
schools and other educational sites. Of these factors affect the optimization
of a child's religious development.
The first
factor is the factor of parents as the main and first religious educators. Of
course, the knowledge of religion and the experience of living in the religious
world that is owned by parents who convert to Muslim parents is very different.
Muslim parents are parents who have since converted to Islam. While parents who
convert are still lacking in Islamic religious knowledge and education.
And in
terms of skills in worship, they still cannot do it optimally and optimally.
But this should not limit them in providing religious education to their
children or not the reason parents do not give religious lessons to their
Because basically, the parents have responsibility for the deposit of
God given to him to be taught about what religion is so that children can
understand the creator and the creator of the universe.
To seek the
religious development of children according to parent factors can be done when
they are at the age of going to elementary school. At the age of 7-12 years is
the right age for the formation of character and good behavior towards
children's behavior. At this age, children are very easy to accept and imitate
what their parents teach.
Now, at times like this, parents should bring out an
exemplary attitude that should be imitated by a child to optimize children's
religious development. Exemplary attitudes can be raised by more or fewer
parents must get closer to God, obey existing orders and avoid bad behavior. So
that the child can imitate that.
The obligation
of parents to educate their children is also explained in letter at-Tahrim
verse 6 which reads:
يَا أَيُّهَا
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ
وَالْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَائِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَا يَعْصُونَ اللَّهَ مَا
أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُون
Hai who
believe, protect yourself and your family from the fire of hell whose fuel is
man and stone; keepers of angels who are rude, violent, and do not disobey God
for what he commands them and always do what they are told.
From the
explanation above, it can be concluded that the development of children's
religion in terms of parental factors is very important. Where the religious
knowledge of his parents greatly influenced the development of religious
If the efforts of the development of children's religion by parents
are good, the children's religious development will be good and very good even
though parents are also still lacking in knowledge. At least their example and
the spirit of hard work for better exists, continues and can develop as well.
The second and
third are the environmental factors of the community and the school
environment, both of which are both the second religious learning after
parents. Where both also has a very important role in the development of a
child's religion. From the environmental factors of the community and the
school, the environment is supporting factors for children's religious
Children will learn the religion from their environment by
interacting with their communities and peers or by learning at school. Interaction
with the community or good friends and believers will bring children to know
and imitate the Islamic world from a broader perspective. Where they learn
directly with someone who is both a convert and who is from the beginning a
believer in Islam.
learning in schools is also an effective way to spearhead the development of a
child's religion. Children will learn religion that is more specific than the
expert, the religious teacher. And this is very good for children's religious
development. Religious learning from schools will greatly help convert parents
who still lack religious learning.
Now from the
explanation above, it can be concluded that the development of religion in a
child if his parents convert to Islam has several supporting factors, namely,
there are factors of parents, community environmental factors and school
environment factors. Hopefully what I have explained above can be useful for
the reader. Dear friends, friends
Author: Yeni