How to Write the Introduction Paragraph?
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2019
The introduction paragraph is the part that has the greatest assessment of an article. How to write an introduction to essays? How to write the introduction paragraph?
This article focuses on paragraph writing introduction. Why is the introduction section the highest rating?
Because the introduction contains HOPE, REALITY, PROBLEM, ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION SOLUTIONS (there is a novelty) offered by the researcher.
If this section does not have the red thread and the flow of thinking is good and right, then it can be guaranteed that the article we wrote must be REJECT by the editor and reviewer.

Mistakes in writing the introduction paragraph:
- The finding that I got was that many scientific article writers were still low in writing Introduction. There are three main findings that I got based on experience as a writer and reviewer, namely:
- Too many quote the opinions of experts without making a synthesis,
- There is no red thread between paragraphs,
- It has not been able to show the novelty of the research conducted based on a systematic and in-depth study of the literature from previous studies.
How to write an introduction paragraph?
Therefore, the author will provide tips and tricks in writing the introduction Section as follows.
1. General to a specific statement (Don't write paragraphs with Zigzag type)
Why are your articles directed? One reason is that there is no consistency in the Introduction. The description of the narrative that you are presenting seems to be Zigzag.
Nothing specifically leads to HOPE, REALITY, PROBLEMS, and ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS (THERE ARE RIGHTS) in the articles you write.
2. The introduction section must be approximately 2 pages (relative) which shows the importance of the issue research being raised and how it differs from other papers.
3. The introductory section must be BRIEF, SOLID, and CLEAR. These three words represent the introduction you made.
Many cases of articles that are reviewed are articles that have not been able to show the state of the art from research conducted based on a systematic and in-depth literature review of previous studies.
4. Need the Latest Journal Reference (last 5 years), avoid quotations from secondary sources in the form of "in" ... in ... and
5. In the introduction, you must be able to show the State of the Art. The novelty of the article that we made needs to refer to the results of previous research. The easiest thing to get newness is by studying literature from the last 5 years of research articles.
Try references from journals that have been indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, this will add to your article points from most reviewers. Another important point is to avoid "in" ... in ... and in your article. As much as possible look for primary sources.
6. The introduction section is not a history and a collection of definitions. Keep in mind that another important concept is the Introduction Section is not a history or collection of definitions. This will saturate reviewers, please avoid this in your article.
7. The introduction section in the last paragraph MUST be stated OBJECTIVES. Mandatory, SOLID, and CLEAR Preliminary Parts which at the end of the research should have emerged.
Several articles have made their own points related to the goal. But there is no harm in always referring to the goal at the end of the Introduction to strengthen the article's novelty.
An article has the most important role in one article that you will submit in the indexed journal Scopus and Web of Science.
Therefore, pay attention to what you want to go from the journal. Hopefully the Tips and Tricks on How to Write this Introduction can be useful.